66pacific.com Resources for amateur scientists :) | ||
Online Calculators for Radio and Electronic
Use these online calculators to determine reactance and the inductance and coil windings for toroidal and conventional coils. |
*The pH Pages* * Information about the components used in pH measurement and control * Build a simple, inexpensive pH meter to control CO2 injection in a planted aquarium. Adding CO2, the "limiting nutrient" in the aquatic environment, makes aquatic plants grow at astonishing rates and makes it possible to grow "difficult" plants that you could never grow before. |
CO2 and the Planted Aquarium
* Setting up an aquarium with CO2 injection * Components of an aquarium with CO2 injection * Adding a reservoir to the traditional yeast CO2 generator for a steadier CO2 supply to your planted aquarium. This simple system can be placed under electronic control if desired. |
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Seattle Weather Selected weather maps and satellite images from UW Atmospheric Sciences |
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